
tori vaz


This is an overview of all of the panels I have led at anime/video game conventions. Currently, I am only active at Sakura-con but I would love to try visiting some other cons with my panels in the future!

I currently cannot make the full slides available for download, but if you have a question about a panel I’ve given feel free to shoot me an email!

Legend of Zelda

The History of Ads and Promos for Legend of Zelda

Kumori-con 2019

Lore and Legend: Myth in The Legend of Zelda

Sakura-con 2016

Zelda Timeline 101

Sakura-con 2017

Speaking Hylian: Scripts and Syllabaries in The Legend of Zelda

Sakura-con 2017


Pokemon: Spirits, Ghosts & Gods

Sakura-con 2016, 2017, 2019 Kumori-con 2019 slide